
Showing 7–12 of 29 results


  • Cat Lovers Unite (Ash Shirt with Forest Green ink)


    Cat Lovers Unite

    This is our second most popular cat shirt! Funny, clever, and  beautiful artwork on this Ash color (athletic grey) tee shirt!

    Everyone has that "certain person" who doesn't quite understand the feline personality. This is a perfect shirt to wear for them!

  • Crazy Cat Lady (Pale Pink)


    Crazy Cat Lady

    Everyone is a Crazy Cat Lady or Knows a crazy cat lady... This is a perfect gift for them on this Pale Pink shirt with black stencil writing.




  • Django “Love and Prosperity”


    "Django" Love and Prosperity 

    Another Popular design showing Julie's cat Django (pronounced Jango)  This  facial drawing is wishing everyone Love & Prosperity with the sign of the heart and fish included in the detailed Victorian artwork. Natural color shirt with Chocolate brown ink.

  • Django “Love and Prosperity” Limited Edition Hoodie


    Django "Love and Prosperity"

     New for this year,  we are offering the beautiful cat face drawing of Django wishing everyone Love and Prosperity. Now available in our Limited Edition Hoodie Sweat. This  design is one of our popular designs that the cat lover guys and girls really like. Let us drop ship one to a special friend. 

  • Gracie Sonnet


    Gracie Sonnet

    This white ink on a black shirt is stunning showing the moon with the moonflowers and the two sisters in the night. You'll love this design as it truly shows the talent of artist Julie Tichota.

  • Heavenly Vigil


    Heavenly Vigil 

    This Black ink on a Pale Pink shirt is stunning showing the two Maine Coon cats Tinker Bell and Woolie Bear . You'll love this design as this truly shows the talent of artist Julie Tichota. This can be a "Gift to Remember" let us drop ship one to a friend!